有元利夫 プロフィール-

1946年 疎開先の岡山県で産まれ、間もなく東京都台東区谷中へ移る。その後 東京藝術大学デザイン科に入学。在学中は日本画、彫刻、また音楽学部にも足を運び、熱心に学んでいる。在学中のヨーロッパ旅行で見たフレスコ画や日本の古画から影響を受けた独特の作風で、数々の美しい作品を生み出している。
卒業制作は大学買上げとなる。卒業後電通でデザイナーとして活躍したが、76年退社。その年より藝大で講師をする。1978年 具象画の登竜門である安井賞展では特別賞を受賞、さらに81年に安井賞を受賞。 1985年38歳で夭折。  その作品は、絵画、版画、素描、立体など多伎にわたっている。
Toshio Arimoto

orn in 1946 at Okayama while in wartime evacuation, Toshio Arimoto moved to
Yanaka, the downtown area of Tokyo. He entered Tokyo National University of
Fine Arts and Music to study design, but he also was interested in Japanese
painting, sculpture, engraving, even music. Soon he established his own
unique style under the influence of Japanese old painting, and fresco
painting which he saw during his first travel to Europe. His graduation
pieces were so outstanding that the university bought them. After the
graduation he joined Dentsu, Japan’s top advertising agency and worked as a
designer, but he retired in 1976 to pursue his career as an artist. In 1978
he won Special Prize for Yasui Award, which honored new figurative painters
in memory of the artist Sotaro Yasui, and in 1981 he won the First Prize for
this Award. But in 1985, at the peak of his career, he passed away at the
age of 38. His creative talent was so brilliant that his works covered such
a wide variety of areas as painting, engraving, drawing, and figure
■作曲家  Toshio Arimoto ■